Men’s Mental health drop ins at Withington Library
Mens Health – Withington, Old Moat & Fallowfield
Are you having difficulty accessing support for health or wellbeing issues? This could mean financial, social isolation or needing more support at home. It can be confusing to know who can help.
Take a look at this Helping Hands link for advice
If you still need support request a call from an NHS Care Navigator by ringing Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, on 0300 303 9650 or please provide as much detail as you can about the support you need and they can help connect you to the best services for you.
Or you can meet Andy from the Be Well Service at one of his new face to face Mens Health drop ins! Be Well are here to help you find a way to live and feel well whatever twists and turns life brings. They can even help you get on top of work, family and money worries. When you come to Be Well, you’ll be assessed by one of their trained coaches. They’ll talk to you about the help you need and the goals you want to achieve, and set you up with the most appropriate person in the team to get you to where you want to be.

Dates: (all 9am till 12pm) at Withington Library
Friday 26th July
Friday 30th August
Friday 27th September
Friday 25th October
Friday 29th November
Friday 20th December
If you aren’t too sure about accessing support services but would like to connect with other men from across the city, check out the Mandem Meetup. They are a Manchester based men’s peer network that aims to break stigma and build brotherhoods. All of their interventions are free so that there’s one less barrier to access for any men who feel they want to be a part of their community.
For more information on what the Mandem Meetup do and to get involved, please visit their website or watch this video:
Trigger Warning content includes conversations about suicide: