Data Correction Form Data Correction Form Use this form to tell us about something you’ve seen in your medical records that you aren’t sure about. Data Correction FormUse this form to tell us about something you’ve seen in your medical records that you aren’t sure about.This service is for non-emergency queries only.> Call 999 for emergency medical help or 111 for urgent medical advice. Your practice will aim to respond to your query within 5 working days. If you do not submit your query, no details will be sent to your practice. You must be over 16 to use this service, although you may use this service to contact the practice about a person you care for who is under 16. You must be currently registered as a patient with Bodey Medical Centre. You must be currently in the UK.Data Correction FormThe answers you give will be sent securely to Bodey Medical Centre to be reviewed by the appropriate team member in the practice. Your answers will be used by Bodey Medical Centre to identify you and to make decisions about your care. Please answer all questions as accurately as possible, and take any advice offered. You may be offered specific advice, or be advised to seek alternate help.I consent to Bodey Medical Centre using my data as described I consent Although a parent or carer can use this system to contact a GP and seek health advice about under 16s,only people who are 16 years old or over can complete the questions in this service. I confirm that I am 16 years old or over. Only people who are currently registered with Bodey Medical Centre and in the UK are eligible to use this service. I confirm that I am currently registered and in the UK. Terms of UseYour GP Practice has made this online service available to you. You must use this service in accordance with the Practice's terms and conditions of use. I agree to the terms and conditions of use for this service. Data Correction FormUse this form to tell us about something you’ve seen in your medical records that you aren’t sure about for example you don’t agree with an opinion written in your medical notes or you don’t believe coded information/correspondence belongs to you. We will review this and take the necessary steps to correct it for you. If we cannot we will let you know why we cannot do this. If we believe a data breach has occured we will report this to the ICO. It may take us up to 28 days to investigate this issue. We will write to you with the outcome of our findings. What is the date of the data entry you have seen that you believe is incorrectPlease give us more details about what you believe is incorrectPlease tell us what you would like to see happen nextYour Personal DetailsUntitled Mr Optional Mrs Optional Miss Optional Ms Optional Mx Optional Dr Optional Not Listed Optional Prefer Not to Answer Optional Name First Last Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Sex Female Male Not Specified Biological sex assigned at birthAddressHouse Name/ NumberStreet NamePostcodeWe will only use these contact details to contact you for this specific issue, otherwise we will use previously provided contact information.Phone Number – PreferredPhone Number – Alternative OptionalEmail Optional